On reflecting on how exciting technology is that drives everyday common practises, that are otherwise mundane, it’s apparent that for ideas to turn into reality, a clear vision must exist to determine what innovation can deliver.
In order to combine boundless creativity, vision, experience and knowledge to produce innovative ideas requires a communicative platform for change to happen. The possibilities of this imagined outcome, bound by an open-ended business plan, allows for real-time results. When working with our clients there is a clear trend towards bringing together the additive value that a device brings and the smart nature in which it operates, which in turn leads to a rise in the achieved value of the project. The dependability of the result is also reproducible; to such an extent that common project pain points of planning, strategy and change to a business requirement are removed to enable a clear expectation of the result.
Recent experience of this can be found in Life Sciences, Medical and Pharmaceutical industries and Analytical Diagnostics where Microfluidics can exponentially aid nanotechnology. Microfluidics is the Industry 4.0 solution for repeatable results.
For example the requirement for more precise automation within a project to ensure fast response times and precise standards is aided by the integrity of an Industry 4.0 approach. Beginning any project with a smart factory assessment is based on delivering quality. Creating a modular construct of the design in Microfluidics encourages a seamless integration into existing standards, preserving the use of valuable resources by minimizing volumes and maximizing the use of precious resources and fluids. This approach reduces excessive energy loss and enables the additive advantage of excellent cleanability and less servicing. The reduction in energy consumption and high dependability leads to an exciting, and hopefully, continued profitable future it also brings effective and achievable timescales and maintains precise standards.
Industry 4.0 is no longer an inspirational buzzword or a motto for a vision that never becomes reality: it is here and now, as it’s effectiveness is delivering successful growth and enhanced ways of working.